It’s a working paper of the research activities for “Construction and quality assurance of 21st century higher education system” which was adapted in 2002 as one of the “21st century COE program” granted by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
*The language used in the publication is shown as follows: (English),
(Japanese), and
No.30(March, 2007)
Study of the Institutionalisation of Staff Development
110pp. Contents・PDF
No29(March, 2007)
Changing Governance in Higher Education :Incorporation, marketisation, and other reforms-A comparative study-
77pp. Contents・PDF
No28(February, 2007)
Evaluation Systems for University Reform
125pp. Contents・PDF
No27(February, 2007)
Transforming Universities in Modern Japan
269pp. Contents・PDF
No26(February, 2007)
Construction and Quality Assurance of 21st Century Higher Education System-Report from the Group on FD, SD, and Education
336pp. Contents・PDF
No25(February, 2007)
A Study of Research Policy, Research Training, and Mobility in the Academic Community
173pp. Contents・PDF
No24(February, 2007)
Research on Graduate Programs and Degree Conferral in JapanII
106pp. Contents・PDF
No23(February, 2007)
Reports of COE International Seminar on Constructing University Visions and the Mission of Academic Profession in Asian Countries : A Comparative Perspective
146pp. Contents・PDF
No22(September, 2006)
Gender Inequity in Academic Profession and Higher Education Access : Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States
148pp. Contents・PDF
No21(September, 2006)
A Cross-National Analysis of Undergraduate Curriculum Models : Focusing on Research-Intensive Universities
90pp. Contents・PDF
No20(September, 2006)
Reports of Changing Academic Profession Project Workshop on Quality, Relevance, and Governance in the Changing Academia : International Perspectives
282pp. Contents・PDF
No19(March, 2006)
Bibliography and Index of Literature concerning Faculty Development
106pp. Contents・PDF
No18 (March, 2006)
The Student Perspectives on the Quality Education-a Transition from Class Evaluation to Program Evalution-
118pp. Contents・PDF
No17(November, 2005)
RIHE Higher Education Research
68pp. Contents・PDF
No16(October, 2005)
Comparative Studies on the Quality Assurance System in Higher Education
231pp. Contents・PDF
No15(March, 2005)
A Study of the Academic Marketplace in Japan― Past, Present and Future―
113pp. Contents・PDF
No14(March, 2005)
A Study of Faculty Appointment Policy in Japan. II:Focusing on the Introduction, Implementation and Reappointment Analysis of the Fixed-Term System
148pp. Contents・PDF
No13(December, 2004)
COE International Seminar /Eight-Nation Conference on Enhancing Quality and Building the 21st Century Higher Education System
188pp. Contents・PDF
No12(December, 2004)
COE International Seminar / Eight-Nation Conference on Enhancing Quality and Building the 21st Century Higher Education System
191pp. Contents・PDF
No11(December, 2004)
COE International Seminar on Organization Reforms and University Governance : Autonomy and Accountability
142pp. Contents・PDF
No10(March, 2004)
Study of the Institutionalization of Faculty Development Part:Report of the Nationwide Survey on University Faculty in 2003
189pp. Contents・PDF
No9(March, 2004)
Study of the Institutionalization of Faculty Development Part1:Report of the Nationwide Survey on University Presidents in 2003
153pp. Contents・PDF
No8(March, 2004)
Governance and Organizational Change in Higher Education
266pp. Contents・PDF
No7(March, 2004)
COE International Seminar on Mergers and Cooperation among Higher Education Institutions : Australia, Japan and Europe
110pp. Contents・PDF
No6(December, 2003)
COE International Symposium on Construction and Quality Assurance of 21st Century Higher Education
58pp. Contents
No5(March, 2004)
The Changing Academic Workplace:Comparative Perspectives
160pp. Contents
No4(March, 2004)
A Study of Faculty Appointment Plicies in Japan Focusing on the Fixed―Term System for Faculty Members
74pp. Contents・PDF
No3 (March, 2004)
Research on Graduate Programs and Degree Conferral in Japan: a Report on National Dean and Graduate Student Surveys
209pp. Contents・PDF
No2 (December, 2003)
Construction and Quality Assurance of 21st Century Higher Education
95pp. Contents・PDF
No1(March, 2003)
Mergers and Cooperation-New Challenges to Reorganization of Higher Education Institutions―
105pp. Contents・PDF