This English publication series was published in order to enhance international research collaboration in the field of Higher Education. Ten volumes have been issued in total including “Expansion of higher education in Japan”, ”Short-term higher education”, “Higher Education Finance”, etc.
The language used in the publication is shown as follows: (English),
(Japanese), and
No.1 (1987)
Enrollment Expansion in Postwar Japan / Motohisa Kaneko, 111pp.
No.2 (1989)
Higher Education Research in China-An Annotated Bibliography / Zhang Guo-cai (Ed.), 124pp.
No.3 (1989)
Non-University Sector Higher Education in Japan / Yoshiya Abe (Ed.), 83pp.
No.4 (1989)
Financing Higher Education in Japan-Trends and Issues / Motohisa Kaneko, 117pp.
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