COE Publication Series

It’s a working paper of the research activities for “Construction and quality assurance of 21st century higher education system” which was adapted in 2002 as one of the “21st century COE program” granted by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). *The language used in the publication is shown as follows:  (English), (Japanese), and . No.30(March, 2007) Study of the Institutionalisation of Staff Development 110pp. Contents・PDF No29(March, 2007) Changing Governance in Higher Education :Incorporation, marketisation, and other reforms-A comparative study- 77pp. Contents・PDF No28(February, 2007) Evaluation Systems for University Reform 125pp. Contents・PDF No27(February, 2007) Transforming Universities in Modern Japan 269pp. Contents・PDF No26(February, 2007) Construction and Quality Assurance of 21st Century … Continue reading “COE Publication Series”